Charging The Mobile Phone in Seconds.The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair was over and produced 3 winners where winners are both a woman named Eesha Khare 18-year-old managed to find a small device that
Recon Jet, Smart Glasses with Dual Core Processor

Recon Jet, Smart Glasses with Dual Core Processor. Glass is Google has just released by Google. But this does not mean the smart glasses will not acquire rival. Is a smart goggles named Jet Recon is ready to be a conten
10 Coolest James Bond Cars

10 Coolest James Bond Cars. In each mission, Agent 007 or James Bond always has sophisticated equipment and cool car to help escape from the pursuit of the enemy. What are the coolest James Bond car of all time?
1. Ast
James Bond
Black Death Mystery in Europe

Black Death Mystery in Europe. Events which had devastated the continent around in 1347 and 1351. Black Death is a disease of epidemic outbreaks of PES and pneumonia. Black death which occurred in the 1300's it was prob
The Secret Behind Mona Lisa's Smile

The Secret Behind Mona Lisa's Smile. Mystery of Mona Lisa's smile indicated in the famous portrait by Leonardo da Vinci was finally revealed. German academics feel confident they have solved a mystery that has lasted se
Titanic Mysteries Revealed

Titanic Mysteries Revealed. Mystery of incident that happened a few years ago, and that caused a stir was the reemergence of luck Ships Titanic victims are still alive. Two victims of the Titanic disaster in 1912, sudde
Legend of Santa Claus

Legend of Santa Claus. Sinterklaas legend appearing on thousands of years ago. God of war in northern European legend, during the winter, horse riding eight-legged sprint to the end of the sky over the ocean, punishing